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Our HITMAN PH330 won the Green Good Design Award for Research-Technology 2016
Guess what? our HITMAN PH330 won the 2016 #GreenGoodDesign Award for Research/Technology 2016 @Chi_Athenaeum. Read the article here....
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Our HITMAN PH330 won the Green Good Design Award for Research-Technology 2016
Our HITMAN PH330 wins 2015 NZ Innovators Awards
Sonic Technology | Pure Advantage
Hi-tech NZ designer makes an impact in the forestry sector
fibre-gen was a finalist for the CDC Innovation Award
fibre-gen's HITMAN PH330 tool - the story
Fibre-Gen named finalist for the New Zealand Trade and Enterprise Innovative Agritech Product 2015
Hitman Processor Head System Goes Operational
Growing interest in the wood processing sector
At the stump, log and stem segregation
Recent Posts
Our HITMAN PH330 won the Green Good Design Award for Research-Technology 2016
Our HITMAN PH330 wins 2015 NZ Innovators Awards
Sonic Technology | Pure Advantage
Hi-tech NZ designer makes an impact in the forestry sector
fibre-gen was a finalist for the CDC Innovation Award
fibre-gen's HITMAN PH330 tool - the story
Fibre-Gen named finalist for the New Zealand Trade and Enterprise Innovative Agritech Product 2015
Hitman Processor Head System Goes Operational
Growing interest in the wood processing sector
At the stump, log and stem segregation
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